
Circuit Breaker

A circuit breaker is a type of switch that is designed to interrupt the flow of nominal, abnormal, or fault current. Whenever a high magnitude


Types of Faults in Power System

This article describes the different types of faults in power system, such as LLL, LL, LG, LLG, and LLLG faults. Faults are defects that cause


Symmetrical & Unsymmetrical Faults

Two common types of faults encountered in power systems are symmetrical and unsymmetrical, each with distinct characteristics and implications for system operation and protection. When


Symmetrical Components

The method of symmetrical components simplifies the analysis of unbalanced three-phase power systems under normal and abnormal conditions. This method simplifies the problems of unbalanced


Sequence Impedance

The sequence impedance of a power system is crucial in understanding how the system behaves under asymmetrical fault conditions. The system’s performance can be determined


Zero Sequence Current

Definition: An unbalanced current flows during an earth fault in an electrical circuit. This current is known as the zero sequence current or the DC component

What is Differential Protection?

PS Class CT for Differential Protection

Differential protection, also called zone protection or unit protection, is used for detecting the fault in a particular equipment or section. Differential protection is used