800+ Electrical & Electronics Abbreviations with Full Forms

Electrical and electronics abbreviations are important for engineers and technicians to carry out everyday tasks. These abbreviations include both short forms and full forms of electrical and electronic terms.

These abbreviations provide standardized terms for electrical and electronic systems and components, establishing a universal language for clear and efficient communication. The short forms of electrical & electronic terms simplify the exchange of technical knowledge, reducing the risk of miscommunication and errors.

These abbreviations are widely utilized in fields such as:

  • HVAC
  • Telecommunications
  • Manufacturing

These abbreviations ensure uniform understanding among specialists. By combining electrical short forms and full forms, engineers and technicians can work more efficiently, accurately, and productively in their daily technical and operational tasks.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Abbreviations with Full Forms 

Below is a list of 800+ short form or abbreviations and their full forms commonly used in electrical and electronic engineering. The abbreviations are organized in ascending order, from A to Z, including numerical forms.

Electrical and Electronics Abbreviations in Alphabetical Order

AbbreviationFull Form
AAmperes, amps
AppPeak-to-peak amperes
AAACAll Aluminum Alloy Conductor
AACAll Aluminum Conductor
AACSRAluminum Alloy Conductor Steel Reinforced
AAFAnti-Aliasing Filter
ABCAerial Bundled Conductors or Cables
AB switchAir Break switch
ACAlternating current or voltage
A/CAir Conditioning
ACARAluminum Conductor Alloy Reinforced
ACBAir Circuit Breaker
ACCBAir Case Circuit Breaker
ACDBAlternating Current Distribution Board
ACSRAluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced
ACVSAir Conditioning & Ventilation System
ADCAnalog to Digital Converter
AFAudio Frequency or Audible Frequency
AFCAutomated Frequency Control
AFCAvailable Fault Current
AFCBArc Fault Circuit Breaker
AFCIArc Fault Circuit Interrupter
AFLAmps Full Load
AFTAutomatic Fine Tuning
AGCAutomatic Gain Control
AGMEAmerican Gear Manufacturer’s Association
AGPSAssisted (or Aided) GPS
AHAmpere-Hour Capacity of Batteries
AHUAir Handling Unit
AIAnalog Input
AIArtificial Intelligence
AICAmpere Interrupting Capacity
ALCIAppliance Leakage Current Interrupter
ALTCAutomatic Load Tap Changing
ALUArithmetic and Logic Unit
AMOLEDActive Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
AOAnalog Output
AoAAngle of Arrival
AOIAutomatic Optical Inspection
APAccess Point
APDAvalanche Photo Diode
APFCAutomatic Power Factor Control
APIAmerican Petroleum Institute, Application Program Interface
ARMAdvanced Reduced instruction set computing Machine
ARMSArc Flash Reduction Maintenance Switch
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASICApplication Specific Integrated Circuit
ASKAmplitude Shift Keying
ASMEAmerican Society for Testing and Materials
ASPApplication Service Provider
ASTAAssociation of Short-circuit Testing Authorities
ATSAutomatic Transfer Switch
ATCAutomatic Temperature Control
ATMegaMicrocontroller Chip created by Atmel in the megaAVR family
ATMELAdvanced Technology for Memory and Logic
AVO-MAmpere-Volt-Ohm Meter
AVRAutomatic Voltage Regulator
AWAAluminum Wire Armour
AWGAmerican Wire Gauge
AbbreviationFull Form
B or bElectrical Susceptance
Bar or barPressure in atmospheres
BASEEFABritish Approvals Service for Electrical Equipment in Flammable Atmospheres
BBMBreak before Make
BCDBinary Coded Decimal
BCRBackspace Card Reader and Barcode Reader
BERBit Error Rate
BEVBillion Electron Volts
BGABall Grid Array
BILBreakdown Insulation Level
BJTBipolar Junction Transistor
BLACBrushless AC
BLDCBrushless DC
BLDMBrushless DC Motor
BOMBill Of Materials
BPFBand Pass Filter
bpsBit per second
BpsByte per second
BSI, BS, CPBritish Standards Institution, or its publications
BTSBase Transceiver Station
BTUBritish Thermal Unit
BWBandwidth (difference between upper and lower limits of a band of frequencies)
AbbreviationFull Form
CElectrical Capacitance, Conduit
CACriticality Analysis
CAAPSCircuit Assembly And Processing System
CACATotally Enclosed Air Circuit, Air Cooled
CACWTotally Enclosed Air Circuit, Water Cooled
CADComputer Aided Design
CANController Area Network
CATVCable Television or Community Antennae Television
CBCircuit Breaker
CBCUCircuit Breaker Control Unit
CBIComplementary Binary, Referring to a System of Codes
CBMCertified Ballast Manufacturer
CBRConstant Bit Rate
CCConstant Current
CCCSCurrent Controlled Current Source
CCDCharge-Coupled Device
CCRCentral Control Room
CCTCircuit (also: CIR, CKT)
CCTVClosed Circuit Television
CCUCentral Control Unit
CDMACode Division Multiple Access
CEGBCentral Electricity Generating Board (UK)
CENELECEuropean Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
cont.Continuous Quantity
CFLCompact Fluorescent Light or Compact Fluorescent Lamp
CGCable Glands
CIRCircuit (also: CCT, CKT)
CISCComplex Instruction Set Computer
CKTCircuit (also: CCT, CIR)
CLFCurrent Limiting Fuse
CMOSComplementary Metal–Oxide Semiconductor
CMRRCommon Mode Rejection Ratio
CNCComputer Numeric Control
COR CUCorrugated Copper
Cos θPower Factor
CPLDComplex Programmable Logic Device
CPTControl Power Transformer
CPUCentral Processing Unit
CROCathode Ray Oscilloscope
CRTCathode Ray Tube
CSA, csaCross-Sectional Area
CSICurrent Source Inverter
CSPChloro Sulphonated Polyethylene
CSSComputerized Synchronizing System
CTCurrent Transformer
CUUn-tinned Copper
CUWBCopper Wire Braid
CVTConstant Voltage Transformer
AbbreviationFull Form
DACDigital to Analog Converter
db(A)Measurement Unit of Sound, Decibels, Absolute
dBmUnit Level for Power Ratio Expressed in Decibels (dB) with Reference to 1 mW (milliwatt)
DBDistribution Board
DCDirect Current or Voltage
DCDBDirect Current Distribution Board
DCSDistributed Control System
DEDrive End of a Shaft
DEMUXDemultiplexer, Single Input into Multiple Outputs
DFTDiscrete Fourier Transform
DIMMDual-In-Line Memory Module
DINDeutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization)
DIPDual-In-Line Package
DIPSDual-In-Line Sockets
DLDDigital Logic Design
DLLDelay Locked Loop
DMADirect Memory Access
DMMDigital Multimeter
DMSData Management System
DMTDefinite Minimum Time
DNCDo Not Connect
DO fuseDrop Out Fuse
DOLDirect-On-Line Starting of Induction Motors
DOSDisk Operating System
DPDouble Pole or Distribution Panel
DPDTDouble Pole, Double Throw
DPIDots Per Inch
DPICDouble Pole Iron Clad
DPMDigital Panel Meter
DPRDividing Pulse Relay
DPSTDouble Pole, Single Throw
DRAMDynamic Random Access Memory
DRCDesign Rule Checking
DSPDifferential Signal Processing
DTMFDual Tone Multi-Frequency
DTLDiode Transistor Logic
DTSPDiscrete Time Signal Processing
DUTDevice Under Test
DVMDigital Volt Meter
DWRDivided Winding Rotor Synchronous Generator

Here’s the table format for the abbreviations provided:

AbbreviationFull Form
EEarth or Ground
EBEquipment Branch
EBICElectron-Beam-Induced Current
ECElectrical Code, Electrical Contractor, or Electronic Commutator
ECADElectronic Computer-Aided Design
ECHAEquipment Certified for Hazardous Areas
ECLEmitter Coupled Logic
EECEuropean Economic Community
EEMVAEngineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
EEPROMElectrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EFExhaust Fan
EFTElectrical Fast Transient
EHTExtra High Tension
EHVExtra High Voltage
EIEMAElectrical Installation Equipment Manufacturer’s Association (UK)
ELCBEarth Leakage Circuit Breaker
ELDCElectric Double-Layer Capacitors (Supercapacitors)
ELVExtra Low Voltage (less than 51 volts)
EMAEthylene Methyl Acrylate
EMCElectromagnetic Compatibility
EMIElectromagnetic Interference
EMF, e.m.f.Electromotive Force
EMLDBEmergency Lighting Distribution Board
EMRElectro-Mechanical Relay
EMTElectrical Metallic Tubing
EOCRElectronic Overcurrent Relay
EOSElectrical Over Stress
EPEmergency Power
EPDMEthylene Propylene Diene Monomer
EPOEmergency Power Off (Button or Switch)
EPREthylene Propylene Rubber
EPROMErasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
ERAElectrical Research Association (UK)
ERMElectronic Restart Module
ESDEmergency Shutdown, Electrostatic Discharge
ESLEquivalent Series Inductance
ESPElectric Submersible Pump
ESREquivalent Series Resistance
ESTExtra Super Tension
Ex (), Ex ‘ ’Certification Symbol for Hazardous Area Equipment
EEx (), EEx ‘ ’Certification Symbol for Hazardous Area Equipment (European Standards)
EVElectron Volt, a Unit of Energy Similar to Joules
EWCElectric Water Cooler
EWSEngineering Work Station
AbbreviationFull Form
F, f, HzFrequency, Fuse, Farad
FAFire Alarm
FAAFire Alarm Annunciator
FATFactory Acceptance Testing
FBAFactory Built Assemblies
FBTFlyback Transformer
FCEVFuel Cell Electric Vehicle
FCUFeeder Control Unit
FDMFrequency Division Multiplexing
FDNRFrequency Dependent Negative Resistor
F and GFire and Gas
FEEDFront-End Engineering and Design of a Project
FETField Effect Transistor
FFCFlexible Flat Cable
FFTFast Fourier Transform
FIFOFirst-In, First-Out (a queue)
FILOFirst-In, Last-Out (a stack)
FLAFull Load Amperes
FlexFlexible, used for cables
FMFrequency Modulation
FMCFlexible Metal Conduit
FPGAField-Programmable Gate Array
FRLSFire Resistance Low Smoke
FSCFinal Sub Circuit
FSMFinite State Machine
FSKFrequency Shift Keying
FVCFrequency to Voltage Converter
AbbreviationFull Form
G, gElectrical Conductance, or Ground
GBWGain Bandwidth Product
GCBGas Circuit Breaker
GCPGenerator Control Panel
GFCIGround Fault Circuit Interrupter
GFIGround Fault Interrupter
GICGeneralized Impedance Converter
GISGas Insulated Switchgear
GOGang Operated
GORGas to Oil Ratio of Oil Well Fluids
GOSGroup Operated Switches
GPIOGeneral Purpose Input / Output
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GRMCGalvanized Rigid Metal Conduit
GRPGlass Reinforced Plastic
GSMGlobal System for Mobile Communications
GSWAGalvanized Steel Wire Armour
GSWBGalvanized Steel Wire Braid
GTG, GTGas-Turbine Generator
GTOGate Turn-Off Thyristor
GUIGraphic User Interface
AbbreviationFull Form
h, hrHour
HARTHighway Addressable Remote Transducer
HBTHeterojunction Bipolar Transistor
HCLHydrogen Chloride, Gas or Acid
HDMIHigh-Definition Multimedia Interface
HEDHall Effect Device
HEMTHigh-Electron-Mobility Transistor
HFHigh Frequency
hFELarge-Signal Current Gain of a BJT
HMIHuman-Machine Interface
HOAHand-Off-Automatic Switch
HOFRHeat and Oil Resisting, Flame Retardant
HpHorsepower, Unit of Power in FPS System
HPFHigh Pass Filter
HRCHigh Rupturing Capacity
HTHigh Tension
HTSHigh-Temperature Semiconductor
HUIHuman User Interface
HVHigh Voltage, Above 600 Volts
HVACHeating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
HzFrequency in Cycles per Second, or Hertz
AbbreviationFull Form
ICurrent in amperes
IAC or IacAlternating current
IALAInternational Association of Lighthouse Authorities
ICIntegrated Circuit
ICDBIron Clad Distribution Board
ICIImperial Chemical Industries plc (UK)
ICSPIn-Circuit Serial Programming
ICTPIron Clad Triple Pole
IDC, IdcDirect current
IDMTInverse Definite Minimum Time
IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission
IEEInstitution of Electrical Engineers of UK
IEEEInstitute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers of USA
IFIntermediate Frequency
IFTInverse Fourier Transform
IGIsolated Ground
IGBTInsulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor
IGFETInsulated Gate Field Effect Transistor
I/OInput or Output Signals or Quantity
IOTInternet of Things
IMOInternational Maritime Organization
IMCIntermediate Metal Conduit
IMCSIntegrated Motor Control System
IMSInformation Management System
inst.Instantaneous Quantity
int.Intermittent Quantity
IPInstitute of Petroleum (UK) and its publications
IPIngress Protection Code (see IEC60529)
IPMSMInterior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
IRInsulation Resistance
ISIntrinsically Safe Signal, Circuit, or Equipment
Is/In, IS/INRatio of Starting Current to Running Current
ISOInternational Standards Organization
ISPInternet Service Provider
ITUInternational Telecommunication Union
AbbreviationFull Form
-JEnergy in joules or newton-meters
JCurrent density, amps/mm²
JBJunction Box
JFETJunction Field Effect Transistor
JEDECJoint Electron Device Engineering Council
AbbreviationFull Form
-JEnergy in joules or newton-meters
JCurrent density, amps/mm²
JBJunction Box
JFETJunction Field Effect Transistor
JEDECJoint Electron Device Engineering Council
KCLKirchhoff’s Current Law
KCMILThousand Circular Mils
KEMAShort circuit testing authority in The Netherlands
kmLength in kilometers
kpmKilometers per hour
kV, KuKilo-volts
kVArReactive kilo-volt-amperes
KVLKirchhoff’s Voltage Law
KWHKilo Watt Hour
AbbreviationFull Form
LElectrical inductance in henries
LLine (Phase, Live, or Hot) or local control operation
LALightning Arrester
LANLocal Area Network
lbsWeight of a substance in pounds
LCDLiquid-Crystal Display
LDBLighting Distribution Board
LDRLight Dependent Resistor
LDSLow Density Foam
LEDLight Emitting Diode
LELLower Explosive Limit
LFLow Frequency
LFMCLiquid Tight Flexible Metal Conduit
LHSLeft-Hand Side
Li–ionLithium Ion (a type of rechargeable battery)
LloydsLloyds Register of Shipping (UK)
LMSLoad Management System
LNALow Noise Amplifier
LNGLiquefied Natural Gas
loc or (L)Local Operation
LOPLoss of Power
LOPTLine Output Transformer
LOSLoss of Signal
LPFLow Pass Filter
LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas
LPSLightning Protection System
LRALocked Rotor Amperes
LSBLeast Significant Bit
LSDS, LSSLoad Shedding System
LSFLow Smoke and Fumes (applied to cables and wires)
LSILarge-Scale Integration
LSLHLow Smoke Low Halogen
LSRS, LSRLoad Sharing System
LTLow Tension
LVLow Voltage (50 to 600 volts)
LVDTLinear Variable Differential Transformer
L1, L2, L3, NNotation for line and neutral voltages and currents
LUTLook-Up Table
LUXLevel of Illumination
LVDTLinear Variable Differential Transformer
AbbreviationFull Form
mLength or dimension in meters, or month
mACurrent in milli-amperes
MADMean Annual Discharge
man or (M)Manual Operation
MBHigh-pressure mercury, without phosphor coating
MBMegabyte, a computer data storage unit
MBFHigh-pressure mercury, with phosphor coating
MBFRHigh-pressure mercury with phosphor coating and reflector
MBIHigh-pressure discharge with metallic halides
MBIFHigh-pressure discharge with metallic halides and phosphor coating
MBRDouble-ended linear arc tube
MBTFCombination of MBF lamp and a filament lamp
MCMetal Clad Cable
MCBMiniature Circuit Breaker
MCCMotor Control Center
MCCBMoulded Case Circuit Breaker
MCMMulti-Chip Module
MCPMotor Circuit Protection
MCRMaximum Continuous Rating
MCUMotor Control Unit
MDBMain Distribution Board
MECMicro Energy Cell
MEMSMicro ElectroMechanical Systems
MESFETMetal-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor
MESGMaximum Experimental Safe Gap
MFMultiplying Factor
MFSKMultiple Frequency-Shift Keying
MhoUnit of Electrical Admittance
MIMineral Insulated
MICMinimum Ignition Current
MICCMineral Insulated Calendar Cable
MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface
MIMICMimic Display Panel
MISOMaster Input Slave Output
MLDBMain Lighting Distribution Board
MLOMain Lugs Only
mmLength or dimension in millimeters
MMF, mmfMagneto-Motive Force
MMIMan–Machine Interface
MMSCFMillion Standard Cubic Feet of Gas
Mole %Molecular Weight in %
MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MOSIMaster Output Slave Input
MOVMetal Oxide Varistor
MPCBMotor Protection Circuit Breaker
MPDBMain Power Distribution Board
MPPTMaximum Power Point Tracking
MSMain Switch
MSBMost Significant Bit
MSWModule Steelwork
MTMica Glass Tape
MTBFMean Time Between Failures
MTTRMean Time to Repair
MUXMultiplexer (several analog or digital inputs to single output)
MVMedium Voltage
mVVoltage in Millivolts
MVArReactive Mega-Volt-Amperes
AbbreviationFull Form
N or nNumber of items (e.g., generators installed)
N or nNumber of turns in a winding
N or nNeutral terminal or line Neutral
NACENational Association of Corrosion Engineers (USA)
NBRNitrile Butadiene Rubber
NC, N/CNormally Closed switching device, No Connection
NCTNeutral Current Transformer
NDENon-Drive End of a Shaft
NECNational Electric Code (USA)
NEMANational Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (USA)
NERNeutral Earth Resistor
NFPANational Fire Protection Association (USA)
NiNickel Metal
NLNeutral Link, Night Light
NO, N/ONormally Open switching device
NOxNitrogen-Based Gas Emissions
NPRNoise-Power Ratio
NPTNational Pipe Threads (USA)
NRZNon Return to Zero
NSUsed to describe a type of variable speed AC motor
NTCNegative Temperature Coefficient
NTSNot to Scale
NVMNon-Volatile Memory
AbbreviationFull Form
OOpen, off, or stop
OC, O/COvercurrent or Open Circuit
OCBOil Circuit Breaker
OCTCOn-Circuit Tap Changer
OCVOpen Circuit Voltage (difference in electrical potential when disconnected)
OF, O/FOver Frequency
OFAFForced circulation of internal liquid, forced heat exchanging to external air
OFANForced circulation of internal liquid, natural heat exchanging to external air
OHL, OHLineOverhead Line
OhmsUnit of electrical resistance or impedance
OIMOffshore Installation Manager
OL, O/LOverload
OLEDOrganic Light-Emitting Diode
OLPOverload Protection
OLROverload Relay
OLTCOn-Load Tap Changer
ONAFNaturally circulated internal liquid, forced heat exchanging to external air
ONANNaturally circulated internal liquid, natural heat exchanging to external air
OpAmpOperational Amplifier
OSHAOccupational Health and Safety Administration (USA)
OTAOperational Transconductance Amplifier
OV, O/VOvervoltage
OVPOvervoltage Protector
AbbreviationFull Form
P or WActive Power (Watts), Pole
p, sLaplace Operator in mathematics (for transfer functions)
P & IDPiping and Instrument Diagram
PAPublic Address System
PALProgrammable Array Logic
PAMPulse or Pole Amplitude Modulation
PBPush Button, Panic Button, or Pull Box
PB, PbLead Metal
PBWBPhosphor Bronze Wire Braid
PBCU, TCUTinned Copper
PCProgrammable Controller, Program Counter (used in microcontrollers)
PCBPrinted Circuit Board
PCCPoint of Common Connection, Power Control Centre
PCMPulse-Code Modulation
PDAPersonal Digital Assistant
PDBPower Distribution Board
PDMPulse Density Modulation
PDPPower Distribution Panel
PECPhotoElectric Cell
PELVProtective Extra-Low Voltage (connected to earth at some point)
PF, pfPower Factor
PFDPhase/Frequency Detector
PFMPulse Frequency Modulation
PGAProgrammable Gain Amplifier
Ph, phPhases of an Electrical Circuit
PIDProportional, Integral, Derivative (a type of controller used in control systems)
PIRPassive Infrared Sensors
PIVPeak Inverse Voltage
pk, peakPeak Value of an Instantaneous Quantity
PLAProgrammable Logic Array
PLCProgrammable Logic Controller
PLCCPlastic Leaded Chip Carrier
PLLPhase-Locked Loop
PMPermanent Magnet
PMICPower Management Integrated Circuit
pMOSP-Channel Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
PMSPower Management System
PMSMPermanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
POLPolyethylene, Point-of-Load
PORPower-On Reset
POVPeak Operating Voltage
PPMPulse Position Modulation, Parts Per Million
PRCParasitic Resistance Cancellation
PRVPeak Reverse Voltage
PSIPounds per Square Inch
PSKPhase Shift Keying
PSRPower-Supply Rejection
PSRRPower Supply Rejection Ratio
PTPotential Transformer
PTBPhysikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt
PTCPositive Temperature Coefficient
PTPPolyethylene Terephthalate
Pu, p.u.Per Unit
PUTProgrammable Unijunction Transistor
PVCPolyvinyl Chloride
PVDFPolyvinylidene Fluoride
PWDPulse-Width Distortion
PWMPulse Width Modulation
AbbreviationFull Form
QReactive Power, Volt-Amperes-Reactive, Charge
QAQuality Assurance
QAMQuadrature Amplitude Modulation
QCQuality Control
QFPQuad Flat Package
AbbreviationFull Form
R or rElectrical Resistance
Rad, radAngular Displacement in Radians
RADARRadio Detection and Ranging
RAMRandom Access Memory
RCBOResidual Current Circuit Breaker with Overload Protection
RCCBResidual Current Circuit Breaker
RCDResidual Current Device
RCURemote Control Unit
RDOLReverse Duty On Line Starter
rem or (R)Remote Operation
RFRadio Frequency (describing the rate of oscillation)
RFDSRadio Frequency Design System
RFIDRadio Frequency Identification
RGBRed Green Blue
RGSRigid Galvanized Steel Conduit
RHSRight-Hand Side
RIORemote Input Output
RISCReduced Instruction Set Computer
RJ45Registered Jack 45 (An 8-pin Ethernet Jack)
RLARated Load Amperes
RLCResistance Inductance Capacitance
RMCRigid Metal Conduit
RMGRing Main Gear
RMS, rmsRoot Mean Square
RMURing Main Unit
RNCRigid Non-Metallic Conduit
ROMRead Only Memory
RPRReverse Power Relay
RPSRevolutions per Second
RPMRevolutions per Minute
RSCRigid Steel Conduit
RTCReal-Time Clock
RTDResistance Temperature Detector
RTOSReal-Time Operating System
RTSRemote Test Station
RTURemote Transmitter Unit, Roof Top Unit
RYBRed, Yellow, Blue (Old Color Codes used for Three-Phase Wiring – UK)
AbbreviationFull Form
SApparent Power in Volt-Amperes
s or pLaplace Operator in Mathematics, for Transfer Functions
SSlip of a Rotating Machine with Respect to 1.0 pu
SAWSurface Acoustic Wave
SBSwitch Board
SBMSingle Buoy Mooring
SC, S/CShort Circuit
SCADASupervisory Control and Data Acquisition System
SCFStandard Cubic Feet of a Gas
SCIMSquirrel Cage Induction Motor
SCKSerial Clock
SCRSilicon Controlled Rectifier
SCSSilicon Controller Switch
SCSISmall Computer System Interface
SDRSingle Discipline Review
SEBService End Line Box or Service Electrical Box
SECTSkin Effect Current Trace Heating
SELVSafety Extra-Low Voltage
SFUSwitch Fuse Unit
SF6Sulphur Hexafluoride
SISystem International of Units
SIMSubscriber Identity Module
SIOSerial Input and (Serial) Output
SIPOSerial In Parallel Out
SLDBSecondary Lighting Distribution Board
SLIDouble-Ended, Linear Arc Tube
SMDSurface Mount Device
SMPSSwitch-Mode Power Supply
SMSBSub Main Switchboard
SMTSurface Mount Technologies
SNRSignal-to-Noise Ratio
SoCSystem on a Chip
SOICSmall Outline Integrated Circuit
SOLASSafety of Life at Sea, a Document Relating to Marine Practice
SONDiffused Ellipsoidal Outer Bulb, Single-Ended Lamp
SONARSOund NAvigation and Ranging
SON-TClear Tubular Outer Bulb, Single-Ended Lamp
SON-TD, – LClear Tubular Outer Bulb, Double-Ended Lamp
SON-RSON Lamp, with Internal Reflector
SOL CUSolid Copper
SOPSmall Outline Package
SOTSmall Outline Transistor
SOXU-Shaped Arc Tube, Single-Ended Lamp
SoxSulphur-Based Gas Emissions
SPSingle Phase
SPDTSingle Pole Double Throw
SPISerial Peripheral Interface
SPICESimulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis
SPMSMSurface Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
SPSTSingle Pole Single Throw
SPTStranded Parallel Thermoplastic
sqSquare, e.g., sq mm is Square Millimeters
SRShift Register, Slew Rate
SRAMStatic Random Access Memory
SRFSelf-Resonant Frequency
SRIMSlip Ring Induction Motor
SRMSwitched Reluctance Motor
SSBSingle SideBand
SSISmall Scale Integration
SSRSolid State Relay, Synchronization Check Protection Relay
STSuper Tension, Shunt Trip
STASteel Tape Armoure
STGSteam Turbine Generator
STPShielded Twisted Pair
STRStatimax Trip Release
STR CUStranded Copper
SWSwitch, Shortwave (e.g., in Shortwave Bands)
SWASteel Wire Armour
SWGStandard Wire Gauge
SYNC, SyncSynchronizing
SyRMSynchronous Reluctance Motor
AbbreviationFull Form
T or tTime, usually in seconds
TBTerminal Block
TdTime Constant in Seconds for the Quantity ‘d’
TCTemperature Coefficient
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TDRMTime Delayed Restart Relay
TEFCTotally Enclosed Fan Cooled
TEMTransverse Electromagnetic (Wave)
TESFCTotally Enclosed Separate Fan Cooled, Fan Attached to an Auxiliary Motor Shaft
TFTransfer Function
TFDThin Film Detector
TFTThin Film Transistor
TGTurbo-Generator, Gas or Steam
TGBTelecommunications Grounding Bus Bar
THDTotal Harmonic Distortion
THFTelephone Harmonic Factor
TOPGas-Turbine Operating Temperature (Hot-End Blade Temperature)
TMTechnical Measurement System of Units
TMCBThermal Magnetic Circuit Breaker
TCPGas-Turbine Control Panel
TLXCold Starting Tubular Fluorescent Lamp, with Single-Pin Caps
TPDTTriple Pole Double Throw
TPICTriple Pole Iron Clad
TPNThree-Phase and Neutral Power Supply
TPPLTotal Plant Peak Load
TPRLTotal Plant Running Load
TPSTriple Pole Switch
TPSTTriple Pole Single Throw
Tran., TxTransformer
TRSTough Rubber Sheathed
TTLTransistor-Transistor Logic
TVS-DiodeTransient Voltage Suppression Diode
AbbreviationFull Form
UVoltage, also used for energy
UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter
UC, U/CUndercurrent
UCPUnit Control Panel
UDSUniform Drawing System
UELUpper Explosive Limit
UF, U/FUnder Frequency
UGUnder Ground
UHFUltra High Frequency
UI, U/IUndercurrent
UJTUnijunction Transistor
UL, U/LUnder Load
ULUnderwriters Laboratory (USA)
UVLOUnder Voltage Lockout
UNOUnless Noted Otherwise
UPSUninterruptible Power Supply Unit
USARTUniversal Synchronous and Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter
USBUniversal Serial Bus
UTPUnshielded Twisted Pair
UV, U/VUnder Voltage
AbbreviationFull Form
V, UVoltage or Volts
VAC, VacAlternating Voltage
VAr, VarReactive Volt-amperes
VCAVoltage Controlled Amplifier
VCBVacuum Circuit Breaker
VCCVoltage at the Common Collector
VCCSVoltage Controlled Current Source
VCDVariable Capacitance Diode
VCOVoltage Controlled Oscillator
VCXOVoltage-Controlled Crystal Oscillator
VDC, VdcDirect Voltage
VDEVerband Deutscher Electrechniker (Germany)
VDIVerein Deutscher Ingenieure (Germany)
VDUVisual Display Unit
VFDVariable Frequency Drive, Vacuum Fluorescent Display
VFDPVariable Frequency Drive Panel
VFOVariable-Frequency Oscillator
VGAVideo Graphics Adapter
VHFVery High Frequency
VIRVulcanized Indian Rubber
VLSIVery Large Scale Integration
VOMVolt Ohm Meter, a device also known as a Millimeter or Multitester
VSD, VSDSVariable Speed Drive Systems
VSIVoltage Source Inverter
VSWRVoltage Standing Wave Ratio
V.T., VTVoltage Transformer
v/vComparison by volume, per-unit
VVVFVariable Voltage Variable Frequency Drive
AbbreviationFull Form
W or PActive power, watts
w or ωFrequency in radians per second
wdg.Winding of a machine or transformer
WHWater Heater
WHRUWaste Heat Recovery Unit
WLANWireless Local Area Network
WPWeather Proof
WRIMWound Rotor Induction Motor
WRSMWound Rotor Synchronous Motor
WSNWireless Sensor Network
AbbreviationFull Form
XElectrical reactance
XLPACross-linked polyalkene
XLPECross-linked polyethylene
XOCrystal Oscillator
AbbreviationFull Form
YElectrical admittance (Also used for Star Connection)
AbbreviationFull Form
ZElectrical impedance
ZHZero halogen, as used for cables
ZVCZero voltage crossing
ZVSZero voltage switching
AbbreviationFull Form
1P, SPSingle phase
3PThree-phase supply
3P-NThree-phase and neutral supply
3P-N-EThree-phase neutral and earth supply
2WTwo-wire supply
3WThree-wire supply
4WFour-wire supply
3GThird Generation
3R33.3 ohm Resistor
4K4,000 pixels
4P4TQuad-Pole Quad-Throw
4WJFour-Way Junction

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